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Office of the Bursar
The University of Mississippi

Steps to set up an item in UM Central Marketplace:

  1. View test site to ensure that the UM Central Marketplace will work for your needs.
  2. Thoroughly read, agree to and sign the UM Central Marketplace User Agreement.
  3. Complete the Item Request Form in its entirety.
  4. Submit both the signed User Agreement and Item Request Form to
  5. Your UM account will be charged a $100 administrative fee and work will begin on your item.
  6. You will receive an email from Marketplace Administration letting you know when your  item is available for review and approval in the test environment.
  7. Go the link sent to you and complete at least one purchase before approving your item.
    • (You will receive detailed instructions on this process in the email.)  At this point, any questions or concerns you have should be addressed.
  8. Once you are completely satisfied with your item in test, respond back to the email stating your approval.
  9. You will receive an email that your item is successfully in the live UM Central Marketplace Site and available for purchase.
  10. Once purchases begin to occur, you will get real time email notifications as items are purchased.
  11. You will receive email notifications when fund transfers are made into your UM account.  These emails will come with details of the transactions attached.  (Note: Fund transfers do not occur in real time.)
  12. After your item is disabled (no longer available for purchase), you will receive a final report with a detailed list of all purchase that occurred.
  13. Your item will continue to be in the system in a disabled state and can be enabled (made available for purchase) again at a later time.  For future enabling of an item, please email